Would welcome thoughts on "Private Sharing Phase" and best venues for doing this: post the writing on a database such as Google docs that's shared with selected readers? Or, if one wants objective views, is there a way to do this on Substack?

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Hi, Connie! Thanks for your question. A Google doc is a good idea because readers can add comments without changing your text. Microsoft Word allows this too, but not everyone has Word. I think it just depends on the technical capabilities of the people you're asking to read your work. You may have family members, for example, who just want to read it and then talk to you about it. There is no right or wrong way, just what works for you and your readers.

Publishing on Substack could work for getting objective feedback, but it'll be pretty hit or miss until you have regular readers who are engaging with you through the comments. It can also require a thick skin to open your writing to random comments from strangers. You might do better with someone you know and trust who wasn't part of the story. Many people choose to join writing groups in order to get feedback too, but again, you need to be careful about the type of feedback the group gives so you're not subjecting yourself to harsh critique that may not even be all that valid. A professional editor could give more reliable critique if your goal is professional publication. It really just depends on your goals.

I'd be remiss if I didn't mention that I offer a service I call Weekly Reader Service, where writers submit two pages a week for me to comment on. It's not really critique but more of an objective, nonjudgmental reader feedback in which I share how the writing affected me, themes I'm noticing, aspects of the story or characters I'd like to know more about, etc. It works best for people who are in the Exploration Phase, I think. I don't know where you are in your process, but if you want to learn more about that, you can visit https://www.anuntoldstory.com/weekly-reader-service to sign up for a free trial offer.

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Thank you very much for your detailed, thoughtful comments and suggestions. I was part of a writing group for many years before we moved, and am still regularly in touch with its leader who continues to be an "honest broker" for my writing. While I think I have a thick skin and can separate helpful, accurate critique from its opposite, I'll be careful about throwing any pieces out there to the wolves! I'll definitely look in to Weekly Reader Service you offer--it seems like a great way to get feedback that would very much help me with both structure and content. Thank you again for taking the time to write back.

All the best,


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No surprise here: I am still in the exploration phase – or back in it as I go round and round in the circle game, trying to figure this out. ;-)

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I think the Exploration Phase is very important. Skipping past that too fast is like choosing a recipe to follow without knowing what's in your pantry. And sometimes when you go poking around in the pantry, you find something delicious that you forgot you had!

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